Friday, 9 March 2007

Happy 18th Birthday Deejay

As the title says it was Deejay's birthday and it was a good one as well. I was running a bit late and got in when the bell went walk in form and there is one happy Deejay with a sack of gifts. I gave him my gift as well which was Hand Of Death to complete or near complete his JC (Jackie Chan) collection which was directed by John Woo which is awesome because Pete got him a John Woo collection. Anyway also when trying to finish my essay I was called up with Phil to the study area to see Mrs Gray where Cla and a few others also gathered and we were what I first called it a secret mission as my and Phil were trying to lead people on. Really an assistant head of another school was finding out and comparing his school to ours as sixth formers. It was pretty good actually the talk we had (which took place in period 4) though as a result I never got Miss Naylor's essay in...OH WELL! hehehe

Anyway I stayed in lunch to sit with everyone for a while longer and stick with Deejay on his birthday who looked quite smart today with his tie on. Sarah also put up posters of him of his progression of his hair style in the past.

After school I didn't do much til I had work which as usual wasn't all that interesting at the moment. However the main shutter (market side) was closed. I'll be honest I had a small smile of joy for the tiny moment of thinking it closed. hehe Nah its really jammed not good really since customers had to enter through the fire exit also my entrance to staff area. One of my managers made a good joke just before work about how good it would be to see a shoplifter smack straight into it it as they were running. Cruel but funny as hell.

Artist: R.E.M.
Track: Its the end of the world as we know it!
Album: Document
Time: 4:03