Fog. Slosh and Snow
Well today was meant to be the last day of term but fortunately the school called it another Snow Day so I had the day off again. This time I slept til 10 when I had some breakfast and stuff. Then Leigh invited me out to the city so I went and I finally had my bonus and normal EMA come through, shame about last couple of weeks though. We went around finding some stuff to buy and I got:
- Battle Royale Volume 11 Manga
- Naruto Volume 1 Unleashed DVD
- Crash
- Clerks X
Then later I had work, no not cancelled this time so I missed the party as a result. It was so dead today as well. Which is why they closed early yesterday not the original reason I had said.
Heres a pic from this morning of the fog that took over:

Artist: Keane
Track: Nothing In My Way
Time: 4:00
Album: Under The Iron Sea